Sarah Allen, 34

A little visual on how building & layering better habits over time pays off…

Sarah is doing herself PROUD.  A busy working mam with a young kid & a baby, after the birth of her youngest child she realised it was necessary to create time & space to nurture her own needs too, but was feeling overwhelmed & lost around how to start or what to do.

When Sarah reached out to me again, she was

❌ Feeling lost & unsure what to do

❌ Worried that she wouldn’t be able to make progress training at home while minding the kids

❌ Frustrated with where she was at

❌ Lacking confidence 

❌ Lacking motivation and consistency 

For the first couple months working together, workouts weren’t even on the radar for Sarah. What was most important was looking at how we could improve Sarah’s overall lifestyle to begin — so we started by putting strategies in place to manage her sleep routine, create better structure with nutrition, and put a plan to increase her NEAT (Non Exercise Activity Thermogenesis, essentially her daily movement!) The plan was to start by building some better habits to lay the foundation to allow us to eventually layer on more…

Once we had laid the foundations, we built in some regular, consistent home workouts. Now that she has the time, energy & vitality needed to do so by making the above improvements — Sarah is now building into her weekly routine! And as you can see she’s seeing & feeling the results!

Sarah is now:

✅ Making sustainable progress with her fatloss goal

✅ Feeling much more positive day to day

✅ More knowledgable and able to make better nutrition choices 

✅ Feeling more energised and motivated daily

✅ Able to stay consistent enough to continue making progress

✅ Feeling much more confident and happy in her own skin!

The problem most people face when wanting to achieve results is they want results FAST, and the steps I ask them to take often seem TOO obvious or easy, so they’re worried it can’t possibly work. Sarah fully trusted me when we spoke about playing the long game. Long-term change requires consistency, and “small & simple” is the most effective way to make lasting change. We agreed that developing a sustainable strategy was a MUST. Once Sarah & I did this, she was finally able to achieve results she couldn’t in the past. And even better, it feels easier than ever before, AND it’s sustainable!

If you’re ready to embrace starting small & simple, to trust the process and  invest in becoming your best version like Sarah, click the link below and apply to work with me!


“I’m getting stronger by the week, but most of all it's how I feel inside." - Yvette, 50


“I’m now in a place from a fitness perspective I never dreamt I could be." - Brenda Finnegan