Frequently Asked Questions

  • Online Caching involves tailored training and nutrition programming & lifestyle guidance, around the clock support via in-app messenger and/or WhatsApp, with regular feedback ensuring you’re always on the right track with your goals.

    Most importantly, you’ll be signing up to work directly with me. I pride myself on my track record in producing lasting results and supporting my clients every step of the way on their journey!

    You’ll have all of the support, knowledge & guidance you need to achieve your goals.

  • Upon sign up, you will receive your onboarding questionnaire. This provides me with all the information I need to create your bespoke training program & put together your plans.

    The programme I create will be specific to you, 100% customized to help you achieve your personal fitness and body composition goals.

    Once you receive your plan, I will be there to support, motivate and guide you through your journey, every step of the way.

    The support consists of weekly touch bases & contact via in-app messenger/WhatsApp, bi-weekly check-ins and personalized feedback, fine-tuning your plan as you progress, and tracking your nutrition via MyFitnessPal. All which is done via my App on which you’ll have your own profile with access to your plans.

  • I will literally give you the tools and help you to learn the skills to achieve your goals, and more.

    I will provide a clear, simple & applicable personalized plan for you, and give you all of the support, motivation & accountability & guidance you need as you start & get consistent to achieve the results you deserve!

    I will teach you the principles and frameworks to literally improve in all avenues of your life, and to make improvements to your overall health & wellbeing - ALL pillars of your health: Physicality, Mental Wellbeing, Emotional, Environmental, & Social Health.

    I’ll essentially ensure you’re turning up as your best version & fulfilling your true potential… and that you achieve the results you desire.

  • Once you send over your first payment & complete your lifestyle questionnaire, you will receive your welcome email that covers all aspects of training, nutrition, stress management, sleep, hydration, frequently asked questions, & more!

    I will then provide you with the details of my app to download, this is where your workouts will be sent to, & where you can set up your profile details, including update your own photos, measurements, & other metrics you will be tracking.

    Your training and nutrition plan will be with you in a matter of days.

  • Payments are made in advance before I begin working on your plan.

    You can pay upfront for your first 90 days, or monthly option.

  • At least once a week!

    We will have our community coaching call via zoom every Monday Morning.

    These calls will be recorded so you can watch in your own time if you can't make them live. I coach and detail bigger picture topics and give you action steps & questions to take into your week to help you succeed towards your goals!

    Every 14 days I’ll send you your check-in form which you will have 72 hours to fill in, & to update your stats on the app.

    The check-in form is an opportunity for you to reflect on what’s going well (so we can outline how to leverage this & build on it!) & will inform us of anything you might be struggling with, so that we can overcome these challenges together.

    Using the information in your check in, along with your exercise and nutrition tracking on the app, I’ll provide you with feedback where I’ll highlight areas in which you’re doing well, things that can be improved and what we need to work on moving into the following week. I’ll be able to guide you & to suggest any changes that might be required, to improve your energy levels, mood, sleep, weight etc.

    All this ensures we’re constantly moving the needle toward your goal.

    Alongside that, we will be in touch throughout each week via the App & WhatsApp.

  • Yes of course! If you’re a beginner, I’m going to ensure you achieve fantastic results in the quickest possible time and eliminate the guesswork, while educating you on training and nutrition along the way.

    We will start small, and build up as the weeks go on as you become familiar with the exercises & build your routine.

  • You do not need a gym membership. Many of my clients workout from home as it’s more convenient for their lifestyle.

    Some of my clients started out working out at home & transitioned to a gym when they decided to … to begin, all you need is yourself & a good coach behind you with a good plan!

  • No! I can work with people from anywhere in the World. Most of my clients are based in Ireland, with some in the UK & France… and even transatlantic cabin crew who travel & train all over the world!!

    One of the best things about Online Coaching is that you can work with me from anywhere, anytime, no matter what country you are in.

  • Absolutely! I do not offer any cookie-cutter, one-size-fits-all training, nutrition or lifestyle plans.

    Every person is different; with a different starting point, different circumstances & different goals - which is why I will provide you with a fully customized & bespoke coaching plan.

    Upon signup, you’ll be required to complete a detailed questionnaire that will provide me with all the information I need to create your tailored plan.

    Once I’ve created your programme, I’ll send you a detailed video of me talking you through the ins and outs of your own personal plan.

  • Each exercise is accompanied by a video demonstration via my customized app. Additionally, any exercise you’re still unsure of, you can record yourself performing that exercise and forward it to me within the app or on whatsapp.

    I’ll be able to give you feedback on how to improve & nail your form and technique - just the same as I would if I was standing next to you in a PT session!

    I’m also always on hand for any questions that arise at any point!!

  • As well as receiving personalized feedback on your workouts on the app, and completing a detailed check-in form every 14 days, you’ll also be able to leave comments or notes on your workouts on the app, or if something needs addressed instantly, you can send me a WhatsApp at any time and i'll reply as soon as I can.

  • In short, no. The only person ever legally authorized to prescribe meal plans is a registered dietitian.

    Along with this, I do not believe in meal plans as they quite simply are very restrictive and do not teach you anything about nutrition, how to make smart choices or give you any flexibility to eat out or eat what you enjoy.

    They also don’t take into account personal preferences, allergies, intolerances or tastes.

    On signing up, I’ll send you a high protein recipe ebook to give you ideas for delicious, high protein, nutrient-rich meals to help facilitate your goals, however I do not provide meal plans & this I am not a chef & this is NOT a cookery course!

    To ensure your diet is sustainable, I will teach you about proper nutrition so that you will forever be educated & empowered to make better choices. Many of my clients use My Fitness Pal, which is a fantastic learning tool & allows me to review your food diary & give you suggestions & feedback.

    I will coach you on how to tweak your own diet in line with YOUR needs, likes, intolerances, requirements & goals.

    We will also work together on your food habits & behaviors - an often overlooked area when it comes to health & weight management.

    I am ALWAYS on hand for any questions you have around food or diet, & to give you ideas on how to optimise YOUR diet for YOUR needs.

    I put a large emphasis on nutritional education as a very important aspect of your plan, as progress cannot be made without a solid appreciation of nutrition.

    Working together, I will educate you as best as I possibly can. I want to empower you with the tools to change your lifestyle, so you will be able to carry forward your newfound knowledge & to maintain your results as you continue living a healthy lifestyle rather than returning to where you were before working with me.

  • Your training sessions will not be done via Zoom or Skype.

    You’ll be provided with a bespoke training plan and an in-depth video explaining the process, you’ll know what you need to do during each session - which you will have full flexibility to do in your own time, & you will have my ongoing support & guidance as we progress.

    Personal Coaching ensures all aspects of your training and nutrition are optimised, rather than fitness instruction or online classes where the focus is solely on the workout. This gives you even more autonomy over your own time & schedule, & flexibility to change your workout times etc as needed.

    You’ll receive all the support you will need to make significant progress, including unlimited text/voice note support, regular check-ins, workout log reviews & exercise video critique with personalised feedback, to maximise your efforts & ensure you achieve the best possible results.

  • I’m pretty quick at replying! The hours you can expect a response will be outlined in the Code of Conduct when you sign up - but you can generally expect a response within a couple of hours.

  • You’ll be logging your sessions in my customized app that you will download. Every rep, set, weight, distance covered, and time taken will be tracked and synced using the app. I’ll then go through this data and provide feedback/changes (if needed) via your check ins or WhatsApp message.

  • Once you’re signed up, I’ll send you a questionnaire to complete. Once you’ve completed your questionnaire and provided your front, side and rear photos (necessary for postural analysis & for insurance reasons!), I’ll then get started on your plan. I will then have your plan created within the next 3-4 days. This is the time it takes to create a truly customized programme.

  • I’ll measure your progress via many metrics, such as progress photos, scale weight, strength, endurance, energy, performance and sleep… as well as how you FEEL!

    Full measurements and progress photos are done every two weeks alongside your deeper check in, while other metrics like strength and weight we’ll track each week.

  • It depends. Most clients see progress after just a couple of weeks of following their plan. How long it’ll take to achieve your desired target really depends on what your goal is and your starting point. I’ll do everything in my power to help you achieve your goals in the quickest possible time. We will set out realistic and achievable targets to aim for.

  • People who work with me stay for a bare minimum of 3 months. Most stay significantly longer - because they want to & they are seeing and feeling the benefits & gaining serious value from being a part of the community, not because they need to.

  • Absolutely not. I’ll design a plan to fit around your lifestyle. The majority of my client’s train 3 to 4 times per week, but I have clients who train twice per week and others who train up to five times per week.

    (I’ve even worked with clients who haven’t trained at all for extended periods of time for different reasons - however there is ALWAYS progress to be made & areas we CAN focus on!)

    I’ll design the plan around what is optimal for you and your schedule.

  • I’ll track your food diary by using the MyFitnessPal app. MyFitnessPal is the most popular and most user-friendly way of tracking your calories. It also integrates with my customized app, so all your data is in one place. Using this, I can ensure you’re within your calorie targets, hitting your macros ratios as well as consuming an overall nutrient-rich diet.

  • Make no mistake - this is not your average online coaching.

    This is top tier habit focused lifestyle guidance… fitness, health, nutrition & mindset coaching. All IN REAL TIME.

    Not only is it more financially viable for you, the client, in terms of value — but the results we can achieve working in this way has makes it a no-brainer.

    YOU get your training plans completely tailored & individualised .

    The accountability of having your workouts scheduled on your own app & being able to track each rep, weight & set & log your sessions is a game changer.

    The coaching process is even more stringent with direct feedback on form, technique & execution with specific guidance as we regress, progress or amend plan as & when needed.

    This ALSO empowers you to develop skills such as discipline, to build your own self efficacy & to have the independence to train around your OWN schedule…

    I don't just count reps or build quick fix programs for my client. I teach principles that will literally last a lifetime.

    I ALSO coach on much bigger picture topics.

    One example is our weekly live coaching zoom call every Monday. During this exclusive session, I coach & detail bigger picture topics. I give action steps & questions to take into your week to help you succeed towards your individual goals, as well as educate on areas including physical training, mindset, nutrition, personal development & lifestyle.

    These calls are hugely valuable to help you integrate the systems, rituals & action steps you NEED to fundamentally improve in order to succeed in any avenue of life.

    They are quite literally helping my clients take their own personal & physical development to the next level!

    This allows me to give more of an insight into my own life, how I operate & ultimately achieve the goals I set out for myself.

    The community hubs are yet another incredible support - with the private facebook & whatsapp groups you will be a part of, as well as a library of trainings & presentations to educate you.

    These have become a solid place for like minded & incredibly inspiring women to progress towards their individual goals & SUPPORT one another along the way.

    They see first hand the Power of Community & Environment — & they are what MAKES the Powered by Positivity community one like no other.

  • Coaching is a two way street. If you are expecting meal plans or to be hand held or spoonfed in any way, and not open to taking responsibility for your health and wellbeing, doing the honest work and taking ownership of your life - this is NOT for you.

    However, if you ARE ready to make a long lasting change in your behaviors, lifestyle, & habits.

    Done with depriving yourself, want to get away from restrictive eating, yoyo dieting & doing random workouts with sub-optimal results.

    If you are struggling to lose weight or improve your fitness levels alone, and need guidance and support.

    … & you are ready to take responsibility and take ownership and ACTION to better your health & fitness.

    Then let's DO THIS!

  • No, only you and I will have access to your progress photos. Everything is confidential. The progress photos and transformations you see on my website, and on my social media platforms are all at the consent of clients.

  • Simply scroll down below and send me a message. I will get back to you ASAP so we can arrange a call to discuss your goals in further detail and I can advise a plan of action to suit you best!