Online Coaching with Laura: The best decision I have ever made

I worked with Laura for around 7 months on what started for me as a weight loss and fitness journey but it turned into so much more. I’m not exaggerating when I say Laura changed my outlook on how I live my life. From eating, food, training, sleep, mindset and personal goals. I have once called Laura a life coach and that’s more of what you’re really getting when you sign up for online coaching. Her support and holistic approach means that even if you feel like you’re having a bad day or a bad week you’ll easily pick yourself back up again and move forward stronger each time (mentally and physically) without dwelling on the past! If you’re wondering if this might be right for you or not…I can tell you it’s an investment into yourself that you won’t regret. This is only the beginning of my journey and I won’t hesitate to come back to Laura whenever I need support.

Niamh Tracey


I started training with Laura in Feb 2019. The first time I spoke with her, she was 100% real & honest with me. Having never stepped foot in a gym before, she assured me that a 6 week stint was not going to transform my body & that in order for me to see results, I would need to commit to making a lifestyle change. She was right. I am always FULL of questions for Laura. She will usually share everything she knows with me, but if she doesn’t have an answer, she will usually find out in her own time & WhatsApp me later in the day. I was on a pretty high dose of antidepressants when I met Laura & one of my goals was to wean off them and focus on my training to help me through the bad days, which I’ve managed to do. I cannot put into words how caring and thoughtful Laura is. She is always looking for new ways to level up to add to the multitude of services she already offers. She is SO professional, knowledgeable & GAS craic. I just couldn’t imagine doing this with anyone else.

A Lyons


I had trained with Laura before my second pregnancy and was in a great place fitness and strength wise and achieved amazing results so I decided she was the woman to help me through my post pregnancy training. My body and energy levels were different this time round but she understood and made me realise that that's ok and let's do our situational best! Laura's approach is personal, realistic, positive and she really supports you throughout your journey. You can really tell she is so passionate about helping people to feel their best! What I have gained this time round is an acceptance for my new shape and figure, a healthy understanding and knowledge on nutrition and the ability and confidence to perform workouts and exercises correctly at home through Laura's excellent and friendly guidance! I can't wait to train with Laura again in the future !

Sarah Allen

“I am a completely different person than I was when we started working together”

When I signed up to work with Laura as my personal trainer 3 ½ years ago, I never could have imagined the profound impact she would have on my life. Not only did Laura help me to achieve my fitness goals but she also became an incredibly supportive life coach.

Under Laura’s guidance, I accomplished things I never thought were possible for me. I conquered my fear of the gym floor, improved my strength far beyond my expectations, and began actively seeking opportunities outside of my comfort zone. I even went back to college and changed my career.

It’s difficult to express how much of a positive impact Laura has had on my life. As a mother of two young children in my mid-thirties, I was in desperate need of finding myself again. Laura helped me rediscover who I was and taught me how to take better care of myself. Today I am a completely different person than I was when we started working together in 2019. My confidence has never been better, and I’ve learned skills that I will use for the rest of my life.

If you are looking for a coach who will become a true partner, mentor, and your biggest cheerleader on your journey toward health, wellness and personal growth then Laura is the one for you!

Leah Ward

Not Just A Fitness Coach, A Life Changer

Laura Murray does not just train your body.

She trains your mind along with it! Without even realising it, weeks into training with her i realised that my outlook on life completely did a 180. At 49, obese, unhealthy and slow (couldn't even put socks on), menopause (and wine!) had got the better of me, within 3 months i was running up flights of stairs with ease and lifting weights i never thought possible. My body completely changed shape from blubber to firm and sleek. But here's where iwas surprised: my whole mood, attitude and outlook on life elevated. I started to love and be proud of myself with her support. Laura's constant positive encouragement is what sets her apart from other trainers. She literally coached me to become an energetic fit woman who is back in love with life! She is literally a Game Changer. Thank you Laura for improving my life. I am now a fit healthy person for life!

Juanita Emerson

“Powered by positivity, energy and optimism!”

I've worked with Laura for over a year, and it's truly been a year of changing for the better. I realized I needed someone for help and accountability on the workouts, but also on the food and guiding me to make better choices in my daily life and not just at the gym. Laura has been a constant support, a source of motivation and a friend for the past year. It's been so reassuring and motivating knowing she was just a message away and always giving very insightful tips and new perspectives on things. Beyond being a great coach and having an amazing outlook on life, Laura is also very skilled and knowledgeable about food, nutrients and the science behind it all ; which helped me understand WHY I was doing this. I also absolutely loved and benefitted from the dynamic PbyP community full of helpful ladies going through similar challenges.

Madeleine Granger

The most holistic approach ever

Fantastic … 5 stars for the all round advice, help and hands on help given by one of the nicest in the industry. I’m now confident & comfortable using the gym floor like never before. If you’re sitting on the fence now is the time to take that leap of faith you won’t regret it

Nessa Barry


I am so glad I chose to do personal training with Laura! As someone who was hugely intimidated by the gym and the prospect of personal training I was so nervous to start but Laura is so amazing that I never felt uncomfortable for even a second! She is so knowledgeable and professional but is also so kind, positive and encouraging. She was able to tailor my workouts and programme around my needs and goals and I feel like my attitude towards the gym and nutrition has completely changed (for the better!). She is so supportive and working with her in the gym has helped me both mentally and physically. Laura makes coming to the gym so much more enjoyable, and I genuinely look forward to my sessions every week!!

Caitlin O'Keeffe

5 star!

I started training with Laura before Christmas, as someone who has always been nervous and intimidated going into a gym,Laura was great at putting my nerves at ease and teaching me the hows and whys so i would feel more comfortable. Any questions i had were answered with such enthusiasm which shows how passionate she is about what she does.

Aside from physical results that come from training with Laura, my attitude towards food, routine and even outlook has improved! Laura is such a positive and friendly and kind person which starts to rub off on you! She also went out of her way during the covid 19 lockdown to ensure i had a programme for at home, and assisted me on video call to make sure i had proper form and understand the exercises. I can’t recommend her enough!


Professional Trainer!

Laura is hands down top class when it comes to coaching. I have been working with Laura for over 1.5 years. Throughout this time I can say I was at all different levels. Being some what fit, to the best shape of my life , to pregnancy. Laura was always there with incredible positivity and knowledge. All the corrections Laura taught me has made a huge difference.! I cannot recommend Laura enough!call to make sure i had proper form and understand the exercises. I cant recommend her enough!

Jackie Duffy

Highly recommended

I never had a great experience with the gym or with PTs until i met Laura. I booked in after recovering from a broken wrist. I had put a few lbs on but more importantly my left arm in its entirety was weaker. Laura got me back fitness and strong. She is unbelievably knowledgeable about nutrition and fitness and knows how to get the best from her clients. I have sung her praises many times and happy to recommended her wholeheartedly.

 Margaret Young

Murray, the Magnificent PT

I can’t recommend Laura highly enough. It took me time & courage to sign up, I’d never had a coach before. I had hit a mental & physical wall & I needed help. The first time I sat down to tell her my expectations & situation, I just burst into tears. She was simply brilliant, understanding, empathetic & presented goals & solutions. 

To my utter amazement with Laura’s guidance in nutrition & training, my health reset itself. I found myself looking forward to 6:30am gym sessions & wondering who on earth I was. 

Her manner & knowledge are second to none. She’s constantly studying & upping her own professional game. Laura walks the walk! Her demo’s & encouragement are perfect, I never thought I would enjoy training & see such results. Laura has the winning combo! And on top of all that, in spite of the pain, we always manage to have a laugh. She is a very inspiring person & coach.

Sinead Murphy

My North Star

I’ve had the pleasure to train with my North Star Laura since January. While our face to face sessions got interrupted in March, being the star she is, Laura quickly responded and moved online. 

Face to face or virtual, it doesn’t matter which you participate in, Laura's ability to coach and encourage is the best you could wish for. She’s my inspiration from a positivity perspective, she pushes me beyond what I think are my limits and as a result I’m now in a place from a fitness perspective I never dreamt I could be. 

Laura’s coaching is clear, encouraging, tough and exhilarating all rolled in to one. Her guidance on posture, doing it right, tweaking habits slightly and her encouragement to be sensible on food intake is professional and insightful. 

Laura’s coaching is now an important part of my week for me and I never envisage this changing. I’ve found my North Star and I’m delighted to have Laura as part of fitness and wellbeing journey.

Brenda F

First Class

What can I say? Laura is a fantastic trainer and I can honestly say I've never met another PT who can match her energy and enthusiasm! 

I began training with Laura 6 months ago and from day one she has put me at ease and made me feel like I can achieve my goals. I've gone from someone who was intimidated by the gym and lifting weights to it being something I look forward to. 

Laura's positivity is contagious and every session leaves me in a good mood that lasts all day. She is extremely supportive and pushes you to be the best version of yourself. If you're looking for a trainer who is both professional and friendly and has a wealth of knowledge when it comes to both training and nutrition you've come to the right place!
