Anonymous Client, 37

The progress this incredible woman has made across all areas of her life in just 8 months makes my heart BURST with joy. 

Some things to note:

Scales have gone UP and Body fat has REDUCED 

✅ She has INCREASED her lean MUSCLE mass 

IMPROVED her posture & physique 

(The above 3 points are visible in her photos! 😍🔥)

✅ More CONFIDENT in & out of the gym 

Has gotten STRONG AF (doubled the weights she can move across several movements
& has “made more progress in just 3 months working together than she did in 5 years
training going it alone” - in her own words!)

Better relationship with food

✅ Feeling better mentally AND physically 

Some things that help to achieve this:

👍🏼We reduced her training frequency to only 3 workouts weekly  

👍🏼We pulled back cardio & reduced daily steps

👍🏼We increased foods (& worked on some other mindset changes around eating habits)

👍🏼We put better stress management protocols in place

👍🏼We addressed + made changes to lifestyle factors like work, sleep, socializing etc

👍🏼 But most importantly, she communicates with me honestly & does the work on her end.

Here’s what she has to say:

“Before I signed up with Laura I was training 5/6days a week but not making any progress. I wasn't following a consistent plan or taking enough rest. With nutrition I was very restricted. I was scared of food & trying new things. I wasn’t eating enough. I felt lost, frustrated & I knew this couldn't continue. 

Starting out with Laura I was terrified. I was completely out of my comfort zone, it was hard, uncomfortable & I wanted to quit.
But instead of just telling me what to do Laura encouraged & supported me in understanding the why behind my thoughts & behaviour.

Challenging my current thoughts & beliefs has led to improvements in all areas of my life. 
I'm not fatigued, I sleep better, I'm training less, I’m eating more, I'm trying new foods, I'm letting go of old habits & self limiting beliefs that held me back for so long. 

The things that have had the biggest impact in helping me achieve the results i have are definitely asking for help & trusting the process.
As well as challenging my thoughts & beliefs, journaling, sitting with uncomfortable feelings instead of ignoring them. 

The biggest improvement for me has been the change in my mindset & beliefs. 

Since working with Laura I am kinder to myself, my world has opened up so much. I'm trying new things & experiences aswel as different foods. I've also learned to stop comparing myself to others & focus on my own journey. 

Instead of just going through the motions I'm living a much fuller life. I set a cut off time with work, I'm eating food I was scared of for years and resting more. I feel so much better mentally.  I'm rediscovering who I am after being controlled by food and exercise for years and taking back control. 

Laura is great but she won't wave a magic wand, you need to put the work in. I still have some fear foods that I'm working on, I'm working on getting stronger and continuing to push myself out of my comfort zone. 

But now I know I can do it, Laura has given me the tools I need to do it!”

I’m proud beyond belief of this woman & SO EXCITED for the next phase of her journey!

If you need help to achieve results like her, click the button below & let’s chat!


9cm off her waistline & feeling confident wearing a bikini!


“I have become an energetic, fit woman who is back in love with life!”- Juanita 50