“I am losing body fat and my shape is changing. The biggest change though, is in my confidence and mental wellbeing.

My mood has lifted, I have more energy, I sleep better and my mindset is more positive.”

Elaine, 42

Elaine & I met at a mutual friend's wedding in January. We instantly clicked & ended up chatting about LIFE over a couple of cocktails in the early hours… 

A few weeks later Elaine attended a nutrition seminar I ran & began to take steps to improve her eating habits and in March she came on board to work with me.

And what a journey it’s been so far… 

✅ She’s down 9cm off both her hips & her waistline!

✅ Within her first 12 weeks she dropped over a stone in bodyfat!

✅ She did the women’s mini marathon this year PAIN FREE, after spending the last few years suffering hip pain that was limiting her mobility!

✅ Has been discharged from attending regular physio appointments! 

✅ Felt confident enough to wear a bikini for the first time in years, & felt GREAT on her family holiday! 

✅ Has built a really solid healthy routine that allows her to keep making progress, building on all her success so far while feeling GOOD

AND she has done all of this training from home with limited equipment & time… 

Here’s what Elaine has to say:

Before signing up with Laura I was feeling a bit lost & uncomfortable in my own skin.
I had put on weight during my first pregnancy, I had started to lose some of that weight when I got pregnant for the second time and put on weight again. 

I was lacking confidence, unsure of how to dress my new body shape and where to start in getting my weight down.
I had done Weight Watchers, Slimming World and used My Fitness Pal previously. I had reached my goal weight in both Slimming World and Weight Watchers before I had been pregnant, but obviously neither were sustainable as I had put weight back on after both. 

I felt either of those 'diets' would constantly have me feeling restricted with food. I had found My Fitness Pal good but was struggling to stick with it daily, felt like the calorie deficit it had set for me was hard to stay at and was still feeling a bit restricted. 

Exercise wise, I had been restricted for a while due to hip pain and was attending physio. It was frustrating not being able to do so much as a short walk, let alone anything else. 

I really was feeling lost and my mood/mental health was not in a great place.

I attended a nutrition talk that Laura was doing. At that stage I thought if I could figure out what to eat for weight loss, I'd be flying it. 

The information Laura gave at the talk made so much sense. 

I saw My Fitness Pal in a different way and realised I didn't need to feel restricted at all, the calories it had set were most likely too low and began to understand the importance of macros. 

At this stage physio was allowing me to do a bit more movement and I really wanted to get out of this rut I was in.

I signed up with Laura for 12 weeks & straight away I was able to see changes happening. 

These changes were not only in the physical sense but more importantly, mentally. I had more energy, my mood had lifted, I felt my confidence shifting and I was sleeping better. 

I was really enjoying the sessions Laura had set for me which worked with my physio programme. 

I realised I was stronger than I gave myself credit for and I was enjoying my food again. 

I didn't feel restricted at all, but was definitely eating better, making better choices and still eating something sweet everyday- which I was actually enjoying more than I normally would have. 

I can see from the numbers that I am losing body fat and from the progress photos that my shape is changing. 

The biggest change though, is in my confidence and mental wellbeing. My mood has lifted, I have more energy, I sleep better and my mindset is more positive. 

Being consistent has been a game changer in all of this, knowing it doesn't need to be perfect but that doing it is better than not at all. 

Even I 'fall off the wagon' one day I just jump back on it straight away and know I haven't undone everything, don't need to think what's the point in continuing and end up in the spiral of not making better choices. 

My relationship with food has really improved. I will still indulge in food and have a few drinks, but the very next day or meal I will get back to what I know my body needs and what makes me feel good. I no longer feel guilty for having that bit of indulgence but instead I enjoy it and move on. 

I'm no longer feeling stuck and I am much happier in my own skin. 

At the start of this year there is no way I would have thought I would be wearing a bikini this summer, but I actually had the confidence to do it on our holiday. 

I realised nobody else cares or is actually looking and I felt good in it, as I do in many more clothes now!

I'm going to continue working on being consistent with building these new habits
. I'm excited to get to a point where my engagement and wedding rings fit again and getting more of my smaller clothes on again, or giving them to charity so I can go out and buy a whole new wardrobe to show off my fit, strong and amazing body!”

I am genuinely SO PROUD of this woman for taking consistent action the way she does & for truly trusting me and the process.

It’s paying off in big ways & i'm EXCITED to see what’s next for Elaine!  

If you need help to achieve results like her, click the button below & let’s chat!
