Ruth Ross, 36

That’s some solid advice from client Ruth that I can 100% get behind!

What qualifies Ruth to give this kind of advice? 

Ruth began working with me in April 2021. At the time she was feeling stuck & needed guidance & accountability to drop bodyfat, increase her upper body strength, & improve her overall fitness & physique. Running a half marathon wasn’t even a consideration at that stage.

Over the past 2 years, Ruth has:

✅ Dropped 10kg in body fat

✅ Increased muscle mass

✅ Developed the toned, lean physique she dreamed of 

✅ Massively improved her posture

✅ Transformed her eating habits & relationship with food

✅ Changed her “all or nothing” mindset

✅ Gained serious confidence & belief in her own abilities

✅ Improved overall strength & fitness

✅ Improved endurance & cardio fitness

She completed her first half marathon last October which is the longest she’s EVER ran! Swiftly followed by her SECOND ever half marathon (within 3 weeks of her first!) — in which she beat her goal time! 

👉🏼 This has all been done , via home workouts (she invested in bits of equipment along the way!) and having the support & guidance of a good coach who has her back, and a plan that works for HER.

🟢 HOWEVER… as cliche as it sounds, the REAL DEAL progress can’t be pictured or even put into words …

The really big overall wins for Ruth have been:

🏆 The insane mindset shift (no more all or nothing!)

🏆 The improved self-CONFIDENCE & belief in her own abilities

🏆 Proving to herself that so long as she doesn’t give up on her health & fitness & continually focuses on doing what she CAN do…

What she CAN do continues to grow. 💪🏼

Ruth has started to truly realize that the auld “progress over perfection” cliche really has serious truth & meaning... I’m massively proud of this woman. And we ain’t stopping here. Ruth has absolutely ACHIEVED all of her initial goals … & the goal posts have continued to move.

Check out the videos for some reflections from Ruth! 

If you’re ready to embrace starting small & simple, to trust the process and  invest in becoming your best version, click the link below to apply to work with me!


“I have become an energetic, fit woman who is back in love with life!”- Juanita 50


“I’m getting stronger by the week, but most of all it's how I feel inside." - Yvette, 50