The Power of a Positive Holistic Approach …

"I've never seen a person who improved their physique and didn't start improving every other area of their life."

"The body is our foundational connection to our reality. When you build a strong foundation, every aspect of the building becomes stronger."

I was invited to chat with Beverley Simpson on The PT Profit Podcast a few weeks ago.

I had NO idea what we were going to talk about prior to our conversation.

Not only was it great to connect with a likeminded peer, but it ended up being a really unexpected opportunity to reflect and share some of my own journey so far... throwing it right back to before I ever stepped foot into a gym for the first time, to training to become a coach, and how my own personal fitness journey served as a catalyst for a career shift & transforming my entire life...

Beverley also quizzed me on:

  • What really helped me I was starting my own fitness journey

  • The most important lessons I had to learn pretty quickly

  • My first fitness milestone

  • Mistakes I've made along the way

  • Some of the things I wish I'd known early on in my journey, that I now share with my clients

  • How my own goals changed when I started seeing progress on my own fitness journey

  • How my business has evolved & why we moved online

  • How I use my own personal experience alongside my education to help my clients overcome sticking points & achieve results

  • Ways I help clients to improve their mindset

  • My process for helping clients who are "stuck" or facing a plateau

  • The importance of knowing your own values

We also chat about the importance of failure, the lessons learned from navigating failures and obstacles as both an entrepreneur and a HUMAN... and I share WHY giving yourself the grace of TIME is so so important in my opinion. 

Click the link below to listen to the episode now, and don't forget to share & tag me @murraylola and @bsimpsonfitness on your socials if you listen in!

PT Profit Podcast - The Power of a Positive Holistic Approach with Laura Murray



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