Stay Lean Through Summer …

Some conversations with clients this week has brought a common challenge to light …

It’s confirmation and communion season in Ireland, and also the beginning of BBQ & Garden Party season!

A really fun time, of course, much of which is centered around large buffets and spreads of food…

Which is AWESOME, but also poses a challenge when it comes to exercising willpower and eating in line with your own personal goals and how you want to feel.

Particularly if fat loss is a current goal of yours.

Here’s 3 of my all time best tips for enjoying these situations while making progress:

1: DON’T starve yourself beforehand!

One of the biggest mistakes I see is people under-eating or fasting before a party or social gathering to pre-empt any potential over-eating at the party.

This is ALWAYS a self fulfilling prophecy:

IF YOU UNDER-EAT AND GO IN HUNGRY, you are simply setting yourself up to over-eat at the party — which has the potential to turn into a binge.

(Plus, psychologically you have kind of given yourself a subconscious excuse to overindulge: “oh sure I had feck all earlier anyway it’s grand”)


Make sure you drink plenty of water (as you do every day, right?!) before AND during the party.

Whether you’re consuming alcohol or not.

Quite often feeling hungry is actually dehydration disguised as hunger.


Get some form of intentional movement in before you go. A walk, workout, swim, dance class… whatever.

Get your movement in & then you can relax.

You’ll feel more confident and in a better mood knowing you’ve done something positive for your long term health & fitness already!


This is the ONE:

Instead of going in & picking & grazing from a large spread of food over the course of several hours (which usually leads to over-consuming & having no idea how much you’re actually eating), grab a party plate & plate up ONCE at the beginning of the party.

Make sure it includes:

  1. SOME source of protein (meat, fish, egg, dairy)

  2. A source of fibre (ideally vegetables)

  3. Anything you want to taste (nuts, cake, cheese & crackers, chocolate, pretzels, etc)

You can eat this all mindfully like you would a meal, or graze off your own plate over the course of a few hours as you would the full buffet…

But plating up once and sticking to it gives you so much more awareness and control over what you actually consume, & also still allows you to enjoy a little bit of whatever you want to!



Here’s 2 ways I can help you when you’re ready:

1: Check out the Podcast and the Blog for some useful tips, advice & inspiration on an array of topics.

The Blog     The Podcast

2: Work with me privately from anywhere in the world: Take control of your life & become your fittest, most confident version!

Apply Here

Love & Light,


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