A Quick and Easy Health Hack for more Energy …

I DON'T DO QUICK FIXES… but if I did…

It would be to DRINK ENOUGH WATER. 

It's a quick, simple, easy and free way to improve your health & wellbeing.

But HOW MUCH is enough? 

How much water do YOU NEED?

Firstly, let's not lose sight of the fact that water is a vital nutrient, making up approximately 60-80% of your body’s cells and tissues.

A sedentary adult needs to drink a minimum of 2.5L daily.

It never ceases to amaze me how many adult humans (sedentary or not) are still moving through their lives chronically dehydrated.

While complaining about the effects and looking for PILLS, POTIONS, LOTIONS & quick fixes that they can BUY to solve the symptoms:

“I’m tired”
“I’m hungry”
“I have cravings”
“I’m bloated”
“I’m retaining water”
“I can’t concentrate”
“I have brain fog”
“I feel fatigued”
“My body is so sore from my workout”
“My sleep is crap”
“My skin is bad”

There’s a whole host of important processes and functions that actually CANNOT happen if your body is not properly hydrated.

Your brain can even misinterpret dehydration as hunger, so … get and stay hydrated, and you can better trust your hunger cues.

 If you’re lucky enough to be reading this on a laptop or smartphone then drinking sufficient (never-mind optimal) water is something that’s probably a free and easily actionable task for you.

Yet despite having this simple Knowledge AND Power to use it... many simply DON'T!

If you’re a sedentary adult & you’re drinking a minimum of 2.5L water per day, great. You’re probably sufficiently hydrated.

If you’re a sedentary adult & you’re NOT drinking 2.5L water daily, you have TWO problems.

(So although we’re talking about water intake here… I encourage you to address your sedentary lifestyle asap.)

If you’re getting a minimum of 2.5L water per day, and you’re active (7-10k steps, working out, etc) you want to aim to drink MORE.

A more personal estimation and a nice rule of thumb I like to follow & encourage my clients to use is to ensure that you drink 40ml of water per KG bodyweight per day.


A 70kg person will require approx 2.8L water daily.

One our our daily non-negotiables in the Powered by Positivity community is drinking enough water.

Easy ways to increase your water intake:

  1. TRACK YOUR INTAKE! You manage what you measure & the easiest way to know how much you’re getting is to keep track, on an app, in your diary, on your phone. Whatever works!

  2. A pint of water first thing each morning (NO caffeine before water!)

  3. Fill your large (2.5L!) water bottle before bed each night & leave ready to pour from first thing.

  4. Ensure you hydrate throughout the day (make a habit of drinking at least a cup of water before each meal)

  5. Hit your 2 by 2 daily (see below!)

The 2 by 2 Challenge: 

Hop on board the PbyP Community 2L by 2pm challenge with us!
We make a habit of aiming to consuming 2L water by 2pm daily.

Front-loading your day & ensuring sufficient hydration has positive knock on effects for your energy levels and alertness, your focus, mental and physical performance, exercise recovery, hunger levels & digestion amongst so much more!

If you join the challenge, tag me @murraylola in a photo of your water bottle on your insta stories - we can keep each other accountable! 

And YES drinking more water will have you going to the toilet more often, but HEY is that helping you to get more movement therefore become a LESS sedentary sufficiently hydrated better functioning adult?!

Are you WINNING?!

Yes you are.

You gorgeous, hydrated MF.

Love, Light, and another pint of water,


Getting through it VS Being IN it


The Power of a Positive Holistic Approach …