The key… the Secret… to becoming your FITTEST version!

Whether your goal is fatloss, weight / muscle gain, improving your strength & fitness, improving your sleep,
WHATEVER your goal… 


Consistency is the SECRET.
It’s KEY!
It’s your best friend.

Let me explain WHY…

If you’re just guessing and winging your actions you have no idea of if you’re making the best possible choices or taking actions that are taking you closer to, or further away from your goal.

Which doesn’t mean you won’t achieve your goal, but it’s going to take a lot longer to get there than when you have structure & consistency with your actions. 

It’s also going to mean that even if you get to a place you’re happy with or achieve your outcome goal — you have no feedback as to HOW you got there in the first place. 

So knowing how to maintain the result is going to be difficult. 

Because you aren’t clear on what actions have bred the result, what system has led to success… 

And when we’re talking about fat loss or improving your health and fitness:
Without repitition, you probably haven’t ingrained any consistent good behaviors that address any of the lifestyle factors that got and kept you overweight, unhealthy or unfit in the first place. 

You’re simply not building any habits or forming new behaviours when you’re constantly chopping and changing and winging it. 

Getting consistent with your actions means that when you hit a plateau or get stuck on your journey, you can look at what you’re currently doing, and you have data & feedback that will help you to decide a plan of action to overcome that roadblock & to get progress moving in the right direction again.

If you cannot say what you have been doing consistently, it’s going to be so much harder for you (or your coach) to see what might be worth tweaking, adding or taking away. 

Consistency gives rise to CONTROL. 
Getting consistent gives you POWER.

It also simplifies things: you know what you need to do day to day, step by step. 

And most importantly: from taking repeated action — consistency leads to momentum. 
The more consistently you do something, the easier it becomes, and the more momentum you build up.

And it slowly becomes second nature. 
Eventually, what was once a struggle becomes a habit.

That's why consistency with the GOOD HABITS (the things you WANT to be doing regularly because of the result it breeds) is so important and is the key to making lasting positive change.

Aside from all of the above, the human body actually thrives on routine.
Humans thrive on stability and structure and we also don't have to expend as much energy when we know what to expect.

Consistency creates stability, helps build motivation and momentum toward our goals, and is the key to success in all areas of life. 

HOW to get more CONSISTENT and get better RESULTS:
Step 1: DECIDE:
What is YOUR Goal? 

Eg: fat loss, muscle gain, improving your strength, fitness, mobility, mental state … 

Physical activity, eating right, and good routine all play a part no matter what your goal. 

Step 2: PLAN: Develop a simple action plan, so that you are taking steps towards your goal each day.
(If you need help, get in touch! I can provide the simple plan you need, along with support & accountability!)

Step 3: TRACK!
Use these simple ways to track your consistency:

- Track your workouts in a journal or on your PbyP app
- Track your steps / daily movement 
- Plan & ensure some form of intentional daily movement (workout, walk, stretch, swim, yoga) weekly & try to stick to a consistent plan for a period of time 
- Log or keep track of your meals / snacks (develop a “menu” of the meals you enjoy/are handy/keep you on track and put on rotation - repeat the ones that work & until you get sick of them, then tweak/change!)
- Regular sleep / wake times (circadian rhythm!) 
- Regular workout times (can you build in other movement such as a walk at these times on your rest days?! Added consistency!!) 

(The PbyP Community all have theirs, if you would like a PDF version too, pop me a  message!)

Print it off, leave it somewhere in plain sight.
Outline what YOUR daily standards are for each tick box:

  • Movement

  • Nutrition

  • Water intake

In general: An overall goal to simply TICK THE BOXES & just turn up, without any expectations of it being perfect or ideal… is going to serve you over the long term. 

Consistently moderate will beat occasionally perfect until the end of time. 

Now sing it with me...
"I've got the key, I've got the secret... I've got the key to another way..." 
(if that 1993 Urban Cookie Collective one hit wonder is on repeat in your head for days I ain't even sorry!!!)

Get consistent with your DAILY HABITS (doing the things!)  and watch your progress build like never before!!

If you need a PLAN to get consistent with and help to achieve lasting results with your health and fitness … pop me a message!


Fifty Shades of Positivity: A Good-Mood Hack
