As i was journaling today I came across these thoughts I wrote down & posted on Instagram on turning 34 last August.

34 has undoubtedly been my most challenging year to date…

And as I work through some personal challenges & a period of transition (although I've come to realise that we are always simply in transition really… which is kind of where I'm going with this so stick with me…) riding the ebb & flow of life… 

I came back today to reflect on these thoughts & in particular - the idea that we are always simply “becoming”, on this wild, wonderful (& sometimes rip-you-to-shreds-painful) journey….

Becoming more, or less, SOMETHING.


And it’s my mission to ensure I move forward with enough awareness to always nurture my own needs & do what I can to be “becoming” in a positive trajectory…

Not becoming resentful, bitter, unhealthy or unhappy
(trust me it can happen so slowly & small that you won’t even realise until you’re IT.)

But rather becoming more loving.
More kind.
More compassionate.

Becoming stronger.
Becoming wiser.
Becoming happier.

While BEING my best version in the moment & BECOMING older (this one is inevitable & actually, a privilege).

Take a read of my “34 Thoughts at 34 - Reflections on the Journey" below.

1: The difference in how I feel on days I workout vs days I don't, has affirmed for me that regular exercise will always be a part of my life. I strength train for my mind — a fit strong, healthy body is a by-product of the consistent training that’s necessary to build & maintain my best version.

2: Time moves really fucking quickly. And there is no “Right Time” for anything — there is only Time + what you DO with it.

3: I am not bound to time. I am bound by the limitations I put on myself. Time is an illusion.

4: The difference between average & exceptional results really is what you AVOID. It’s not always about adding MORE.

5: My best version does not require me to have visible abs, be my smallest version, have a very low body fat %.. or to fit the media or ANYONE else’s “standard” of what’s fit, healthy or beautiful.

6: HEALTHY really means FLOURISHING AS A HUMAN & paying due attention to all pillars of health.

7: When it comes to success or self-worth, I think “what have I ENJOYED” is a more useful question than “What have I achieved?”

8: Confidence is an ENERGY. It’s knowing yourself. TRUSTING yourself. My own self-confidence has only grown as a result of constantly making progress towards inspiring goals.

9: Discipline, structure & routine is actually the key to creating freedom.

“The person who carefully designs their daily routine goes further than the person that negotiates with themselves every day.”

10: In every single waking moment of every single day, we are making choices. Success isn’t determined by the poor choices we make, but by the choices we make directly after that. Don’t let one bad decision or choice be the reason you stop reaching or striving for better.

11: Wellbeing is realised by small steps. Forget about the outcome. Focus on making a little progress every day.

12: Whenever you think “I can’t do this”, Remind yourself “I AM DOING THIS” - here I am, doing it, on the way, MOVING. TAKING ACTION. DOING IT.

13: Controlling your self-talk is possibly the most important skill you can work on when it comes to your personal development & the experience you have of your life.

14: Making regular space + time to create AWARENESS is one of the best things you can do for your personal development.

15: Life isn’t happening to us. It’s happening for us. And it’s up to us to take ownership & responsibility whatever our circumstance.

16: Failure is A GOOD THING.

17: Putting your own NEEDS (note I say needs, not wants, desires or cravings - your NEEDS) first is NOT selfish. It is absolutely NECESSARY.

18: You have to get really good at saying NO. It’s a skill.

19: Not everyone will understand your journey, perspective or choices. And they don’t need to.

20: All we ever have is here & now. Stay present.

“As long as you have certain desires about how it ought to be you can't see how it is.”

21: Keep making better choices.

All of your efforts count.

“Consider that all of the positive changes you make will benefit your life & will build upon those made before.“

22: The only way is forward. It’s HOW we move forward that matters.

23: Life can be really fucking hard. But there’s no growth without challenge.

24: Life can be really fucking beautiful. Stop to appreciate when things are good. There’s beauty in the every day.

25: Personal Growth + progress occurs in so many different ways, usually the most important progress of all isn’t visible & can’t be photographed.

26: If you’re going to quit or give up on something, make sure it’s because you don’t want to do it, & not simply because it’s hard.

Don’t shy away from what’s different or difficult.

27: It’s nobody’s job to make you feel good - it’s your job

28: Absolutely nothing in this life matters if we don’t do it with a sense of love.

29: Success IS NOT reserved for a specific type of person.

30: You can buy all the books, hire all the mentors & coaches & do all the courses but unless you’re doing the inner work you’ll never truly thrive.

31: You cannot appreciate the good without experiencing the not so good.

32: We have Infinite potential. And that’s scary. But liberating. At the same time.

33: It’s okay for me to be high maintenance, because I’m the one maintaining it.

34: Taking time to acknowledge all you have to be grateful for at least once a day is essential.

... and some bonus thoughts I couldn't leave behind ... 

35 - you can’t expect to have a successful relationship with another person if you aren’t good with yourself first.

36 - it’s pretty fucking outrageous of us to expect to be understood by another person when we don’t fully understand ourselves

37 - any relationship must be nurtured & given time & space to grow & evolve. The one you have with yourself is no different, in fact, it’s the most important of all.

38 - Human connection is everything. And everything is energy.

39 - life is far too short to spend it doing shit you hate.

40 - People will & can only understand from their current level of perception — which will be based off their own experiences to date. Not everyone has had the same advantages, opportunities or experiences as you.

Forward this post to a friend if you think they might enjoy it too ... & let me know if any of this resonated with you too.

Love & light,



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