It’s never just one thing but there’s always ONE thing….

Waking up feeling tired — It’s not just about your sleep....


  • Your morning routine (daylight, movement, water, nutrition, no screens - "Open your blinds before you open your phone!")

  • Your daily routine (connection with others, daily movement, exercise, nutrition, hydration, supplements, headspace, personal development, challenge, rest)

  • Your evening routine (lighting, screens/tvs/devices, wind-down time, regular sleep/wake times)

When it comes to our energy levels & how we feel it’s never just ONE thing but there is always ONE thing you can improve, & focus on. 

Pick ONE thing you know you can improve on over the next 7-14 days, and take action. Then we can layer...

Get clear on your baseline:

What’s your MINIMUM standards that you will always hit?
("even on your worst days")

During holidays, when schools are off, when life is busier, work is more demanding & when things are harder... what's your BASELINE?

Getting clear on this means you can continuously take action and no matter what, be satisfied that you’re making progress.
(Setting a "A minimum of / a maximum of" target can be useful. "My goal is 4 workouts weekly but I will ensure a minimum of 3, & a max of 5"... )


One of the things I have been mulling over is the difference between going through something & being in it…. Particularly after a retreat I was on over the weekend.

Here & now is LITERALLY all there is.

I'm still dipping in & out of Conor Creighton's book “The Truth About Love" (our August read in the PbyP Book Club)  & I recently listened back to the podcast we recorded together ... 

I've been thinking about something he said during this conversation over & over which is “The only happiness that’s available to you is the happiness that’s right here now.“

So coming back to going through something VS being in it… there’s huge importance in finding the balance between these two.

On the one hand it's satisfying and motivating to tick off another workout session & feel like you're making progress towards something meaningful...

But on the other there's a risk that by fixating on some future end point our focus is drawn away from the process itself, & away from being right there in the moment.

It's not just workouts or running or fitness where this happens.

Many people 'get through' the week so they can reach the weekend (I'm now been a firm believer that Monday is the best day of the week— but it definitely hasn’t always been that way for me!)

And it's the same for any goal that requires effort & time to accomplish.

If we're always focused on the future we miss the moment we're in right now.
And this is LITERALLY all we ever have, all we can ever do, or work with or control or ENJOY is right HERE right now.

*BLINK* & it’s gone. And again. And it’s gone... kinda scary huh?

I've tried to bring the same principles & message into my day to day life more to stay in the present & it’s been working so well to keep me focused on on what I am doing & what I NEED to be doing right now — and to actually get better and BEING PRESENT & learning to enjoy the practice & the process rather than just the product or outcome.

Yes it's great to see your fitness improving & ticking off another of your workouts, but simply trying to get to the end is to miss the point.

Fitness & health isn't something you have, it's something you use. 
Much like happiness is not an end goal, it's a by-product of a life well-lived.

So when you're in the middle of a tough workout or run or whatever you're doing that's causing you discomfort & making you sweat, keep in mind that right then in that moment you're doing it.

No matter what you're working towards, this will always be true but you have to be intentional about leaning in & deciding to be there rather than simply counting down the minutes, the reps, or the tasks until it ends.
(I guarantee the quality of your work, your workout, your focus, results, life & how you FEEL will all improve.)

Questions to take into your week:

  • How can I thrive & feel more in the moment instead of feeling overwhelmed?

  • How can I look ahead with more excitement, & an abundance of energy?

  • How can I connect more with my family and friends? And how can I find more joy in each day?

Well-being is realised by small steps. It's important to have goals but once you've outlined your goals & made your clear plan of action... forget about the outcome & focus on the process, the practice, & making a little progress every day.

If you need help with a plan, & guidance & accountability too - click the button below!


One thing I won’t tolerate ...


Some home truths you may not want to hear …