Self-Love and Light …


It's not selfish or narcissistic ... it's ESSENTIAL. 


No relationship can ever exceed the one you have with YOURSELF.

Your relationship with food, with your body, with OTHERS (romantic or platonic!) can’t ever be greater than the level of your relationship with SELF. 


How can you truly accept love from someone else if you cannot accept, love or see your own value & worth first?

REAL true self love & self-care is not bubble baths, face masks or scented candles.

Sure, that stuff is all lovely & by ALL means, enjoy that too!!

But real true self-love (much like real true love with another) shows up in the form of the mundane everyday little things.

It’s showing up for yourself in bigger ways & doing the things you know you need to do for yourself, that nobody else can.

It’s exercising discipline by going for your daily walks & honouring your body’s need for daily movement.

It’s nourishing your body by eating your vegetables & drinking enough water.

It’s pushing yourself to get that workout done even though you don’t feel arsed right now

… because you KNOW you’re worth that effort & it’s what you NEED in the long run.

It’s KEEPING the promises you make to yourself & earning your own trust — like ANY real, true, good relationship…

Real honest love shows up in the every day.

The little acts.
Having your own back.

Nudging yourself to be better because you KNOW you have even more potential, while also RECOGNISING & appreciating how incredible you are right now.

It’s giving yourself your best effort (the way you give a partner your best because you love & care for them) because you DESERVE it

How can we REALLY improve our relationship with ourselves?

Well, how does ANY relationship grow or get better?

Spending time (actually, not time but PRESENCE - get to know the difference!) nurturing, getting to know, asking questions & being HONEST

If you don’t MAKE the time & effort for this it won’t happen by accident.
(With another, or with yourself)

How are you making time to be present with YOU today?

What have you learned about yourself lately?

What are some of your favourite qualities about yourself?

What do you need right now?

How can you honour that?

Love + light,



Speaking of LOVE, check out my podcast episode with Conor Creighton at the link below…

The Truth About Love, Shame, & How to be Happier with Conor Creighton

Remember to share on your socials (& tag me, @murraylola) or with anyone who may enjoy it too!


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