I can tell what your priorities are by simply looking at your watch & your wallet…

Let me explain….

I DON’T mean I can tell that you value designer brands or the latest fashion. 

I mean that if I was to look at where you’re spending your TIME and your MONEY…

I can learn a lot about what you value

I was at a business seminar in Florida last year where Luka Hocevar, a well renowned & respected fitness coach & gym owner spoke about this.

If you were to take an honest look at how & where you’re investing your time & money — are you happy with what you see?

Following on from this, one of my own coaches & mentors was helping me overcome a business-related roadblock last summer, & he had me keep a Time Log for one week.

A hugely uncomfortable but massively beneficial exercise.

Doing so REALLY opened my eyes to where I was wasting valuable time & energy, as well as outlining that some stuff that I really needed to be doing that I simply WASN'T (yet!).

Becoming aware of these shortcomings was a GOOD thing, as only then was I able to make improvements & create change.

We can all use the “I don’t have time” excuse or play the “I can’t afford it” card.

The reality is:

You will always make time for what is a priority to you.

If you say you don’t have time to make your health a priority:

  • How many hours did you give Netflix this week?

  • How many hours did you spend scrolling socials?

  • How many hours did you spend arguing with strangers online or reading nonsense comments?

  • How many takeaway coffees did you buy without thinking?

  • How many meals out or takeaways did you have?

  • How many items in your weekly shop could be swapped out for the “unbranded” or cheaper version?

  • How many simply non-essential items or services are you buying each week/month?

It’s not that we are too busy. It’s that we are using our time inefficiently, saying YES to the wrong things and not saying NO enough!

Reevaluate your schedule & commit to better efficiency, & I assure you, you can make the time.

“Your watch + Your wallet is telling you what you’re committed to” - Luka Hocevar

We make time for things we care about.

(You can do the same log with a review of your spending.)

Because trust me:

You won’t ever FIND the time. (You gotta MAKE it)

And you can’t AFFORD NOT TO invest in your health.

It’s time to get honest.

I challenge you to keep a time log (& maybe even a spending log too!) over the next 7 days… you might be surprised at what you find you can reinvest going forward!!

PLEASE let me know how you get on with it!


Self-Love and Light …


One thing I won’t tolerate ...