How to Make better Progress …

“Work as hard as you possibly can on at least one thing and see what happens.” – Jordan Peterson

Last week I spoke with the PbyP Community on our Monday Mindset call on the importance of preparation, execution and reflection … no matter what the end goal is!

BUT, even with the best laid plans & getting as prepared as possible — the execution phase is one where many people get stuck, leaving us not really making any measurable progress & not having much to reflect on either ... other than the fact that we feel STUCK.

This lead me to sharing a technique I use to help me take action Doing Hard Things, especially when I'm fighting that internal battle:

If something is really hard...
(It could be anything from push-ups to studying while working full-time to getting up early for cardio)

Can you do it?

Is it serving a purpose?

Growth in any endeavor is really hard.

It’s supposed to be.

If it’s not challenging or pushing you outside of your current comfort zone then you’re simply not growing.

Two things I ask myself when something feels really hard:

1: Is it serving a purpose?

2: Can you do it?

If the answer to 1 is yes, then you're on the right track.

It’s okay that it’s hard.

Because it’s serving a purpose. 

It’s getting you closer to being, or having, what you want. It’s an avenue to you becoming fitter, stronger, smarter, happier — whatever your goal!

If the answer to 2 is yes, 

(EVEN if it’s REALLY, REALLY hard & you can only barely do it or you can’t do it very well at all YET), then you MUST do it.

And remember :

You’re not going to want to do the thing all the time.

To succeed at anything requires repetition, and effort, and boredom, and tedium.

You can’t fast track experience.

But you CAN do hard things.
And if they are serving a purpose - you owe it to yourself not to opt out.


You're growing!


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I will give you the tools you need to become strong, empowered, confident, and in the best shape of your life, mentally and physically.

PPS:  SHARING IS CARING: if you know someone who might enjoy this too... pass it on!!


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Getting “Holiday Ready”